Will you donate "A Day for Danger"?

Lesly Danger is a 25 year old Haitian. He was attending college when the earthquake occurred. His school was destroyed and ten members of the teaching faculty were killed in the earthquake.

I (Brooke Frost) met Lesly when I traveled to Haiti in March 2010 with Healing Hands for Haiti, a rehabilitation organization that has been in the country for 12 years. Lesly works as an interpreter for Healing Hands for Haiti.

After returning home from Haiti, how to help Haiti weighed heavy on my mind and as a result, my husband and I have offered Lesly a place to live, food to eat and a family to love him while he attends college in America.

However, help is needed to raise money for his tuition, which calculates to $25 per day.

Will you donate "A Day for Danger"?

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Day 36 has been donated by my long time (long suffering?) friend Kriste Bennion - She and I have known each other since 2001 when we lived in the same townhome complex in Payson. Though we've both moved to different places, we've kept in touch. I like to call her "my friend that knows how to do everything". Thank you Kriste!

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